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4 Reasons Your Clients Will Drop You If You Don't Offer Them AI

It’s easy to cast off AI as some scary dystopian overlord coming for our jobs–or, you know, civilization at large. But your anxiety around AI could seriously threaten your credibility with your clients, painting you as some musty ol’ fossil—frozen in the past. 

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Empowering Wellness

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Public Sector Playbook: Want health plan engagement numbers that will break the internet? Try this.

As a means to engage members, public health plan administrators have been decking out their health plans with some alluring pulls: fancy incentives programs, new virtual care vendors, the works. But the approach fell flat, and member engagement remained low. Why? It wasn’t the plan design that needed an overhaul but the member experience.

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Your health costs destroying your soul? This plan feature will improve members’ health and your ROI

For your employees juggling deadlines, meetings, and family life, a trip to the doctor often gets flung to the bottom rung of their to-do list. A chore to tackle another day or month or even–err–year. These neglected health concerns can eventually worsen into more serious, and more expensive conditions–quickly upsurging your overall health spend.

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Promoting THESE Benefits Will Make Your Team's Productivity Levels Go Insane

In our always-on, hustle culture, employees never truly clock out. They down power salads over keyboards, take Zoom calls during doctor’s visits, respond to work messages during pillow talk, the dreaded Teams dings dousing any last flickers of romance. As their work and home lives continue to blur, employees become distracted and drained. Their company loyalty quickly wanes; they quiet-quit in droves.

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