min read
October 7, 2024

Your health costs destroying your soul? This plan feature will improve members’ health and your ROI

Anaye Milligan

For your employees juggling deadlines, meetings, and family life, a trip to the doctor often gets flung to the bottom rung of their to-do list. A chore to tackle another day or month or even–err–year. These neglected health concerns can eventually worsen into more serious, and more expensive conditions–quickly upsurging your overall health spend.

Key takeaway

But what if doctor’s visits became more accessible for your employees? What if they could book free, in-app virtual care appointments right from their phone? They would then be able to more easily fit their medical care into their lives, without having to slip out of work early, or hunt down a babysitter. Older, chronically ill, or rural employees wouldn’t be faced with the long trek to an in-person visit. With virtual care, your employees would be less likely to push off visits to some distant (or nonexistent) date in the future. They’d catch medical issues earlier, saving you thousands upon thousands of dollars in health costs.

On-Demand or Bust

Even for employees who are eager to travel to the doctor, the care isn’t always available. Due to the medical care shortages in many areas, your employees may have to wait up to a year to see certain in-person providers, especially specialists. In the Washington D.C. area, for example, parents report waiting over six months to see pediatric G.I. doctors, and up to a year to see pediatric development specialists. Too frequently, employees must rely on urgent care or the ER, increasing costs to both them and your company.

Delayed care is more than a minor inconvenience; it can lead to a cascade of more serious, and more expensive health problems.  Minor issues become major ones, and preventable conditions spiral into costly emergencies. The result? Surging medical bills associated with critical care and prolonged treatments, not to mention the toll on employee productivity and output.

Traditional healthcare systems are simply not equipped to offer the on-demand care that the modern member requires. But surprisingly, many virtual care offerings do not have an on-demand option either. It’s vital you offer a virtual care feature that is truly on-demand to ensure your employees can get the care they need, precisely when they need it. Members shouldn’t have to spend the whole day on hold, listening to some tinny hold music playing on an endless loop. They should be able to book appointments instantly from an app, and get connected with a real, live provider in less than 10 minutes. No 800 numbers necessary.

Keeping it Simple

But since not all employees are tech savvy, it's essential your platform prioritizes user experience. The platform should be simple and intuitive, removing the barriers that often prevent employees from seeking timely care. With just a few clicks, members should be able to search for the issue they’d like to treat, fill out a simple form, and then get quickly connected with a provider.  And they should be able to do so from the comfort of their own home—and even bed.

Providers who make the grade

But can your employees really get sufficient care through a screen? They can. The best virtual care platforms connect employees with top-rated, board-certified, and licensed physicians. The providers are available across the country and treat almost all common conditions. Large waves of research reveal that clinical outcomes with virtual care can often be better than traditional in-person care. A study by the University of Rochester Medical Center found that telehealth visits reduced hospital readmissions for heart failure patients by 50%. Likewise, a study by the University of California, Los Angeles found that virtual care consultations led to a 67% reduction in overall emergency department visits. Reducing these critical care occurrences not only supports employee well-being and satisfaction but can save you some significant dollars in long-term and acute care spend.

Care Beyond the Visit

Virtual care should extend beyond the virtual visit. Ensuring members adhere to treatment plans and receive appropriate post-visit care is vital in preventing complications and promoting recovery, especially for people with chronic conditions. On-demand virtual care should provide seamless follow-up consultations, reminders, and continuous support. Care Guides should have access to members’ virtual care summaries and be available 24/7 to book further appointments, order prescriptions, and more. This continued, personalized support ensures that employees remain engaged in their health care management, further reducing the risk of costly health issues.

How We Stand Apart

It must be said: not all forms of virtual care are created equal. At Medefy, we offer a truly on-demand solution ensuring your members receive immediate and effective care with after-visit support and ongoing communication. It's important we regularly keep in touch with members to ensure they feel supported and are getting the most from their plan.

Our unique solution will enhance your offerings and provide significant value to your business and employees. Additionally, our feature is scalable, making it fit organizations of all sizes. As your company expands, our platform can adapt to meet your needs, ensuring you can continue to provide top-tier care without disruption.

Some Final Thoughts

The pandemic pushed us into a new era of care, involving a virtual model that increased access to care and sped up the path to treatment. But even with the world reopened, we can still reap the good from this typically difficult time. Contact us today to learn how you can offer benefits guidance that integrates this exciting cost-saving feature.